
A brief history of the group


8th Colchester Scout Group first met in September 1960 under the leadership of Len Cheek after his previous group, the 32nd Colchester had to close after its GSL, Rev. Cecil Parker, moved away from the area.


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Under the initial leadership of Peggy Cheek, the Cubs had grown so that three Packs were necessary; meeting in Hazelmere School.  They were called Lions with Ann Edmonds as leader, Tigers with Rosina Cole and Hikers with Alan Haynes.  The Hikers were originally part of the reformed 32nd Colchester.


Beaver Scouts are introduced as the youngest member of the Scouting family


We open our first Beaver Colony named Manitoba under the leadership of Christine Hipwell


8th Colchester forms its second Beaver Colony named Alberta with Helen Bland as the leader


1st August 2007 marked 100 years since Robert Baden-Powell’s camp on Brownsea Island – this is recognised as the start of Scouting with the UK


Anthony Goodge takes on the role of Akela for Tiger Cubs


16th December 2016 commemorates 100 years since the first Cubs Scout meeting


Green Trees Beaver Colony is opened with Sam Moore as the Section Leader


We started our 2nd half of the summer 2017 term at our new home in Colchester Academy. This has provided us with some additional resources and more outdoor space.


Octavia Goodge takes over from Jason Grady as Section Leader for our Red Deer Beaver Colony


Octavia Goodge is offered a District role as ADC Inclusion, so steps down as Beaver Leader for Red Deer. Sarah Panton & Julie Riseborough are quick to take on the role and bring in a fresh new approach.


At our AGM, our executive committee chairperson stood down after many years with the group – This led to the appointment of a new Chairman (Andrew Johnson)


At the same time, we also appointed a new committee member in the role of lead fundraiser – this is a role that the group has been wanting for some time.


With some leaders moving on to new challenges it was time for the group to take stock and re-organize the leadership team.

  • Anthony Goodge takes on the role of Group Scout Leader
  • Sarah Panton takes on roles on Green Trees Beaver Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leader

With a number of Beavers moving up to one of our Cubs sections, we reviewed our Beaver sections and decided to suspend our Green Tree Beavers until we have grown to a size that warrants going back to 2 sections


Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and subsequent global pandemic, all scouting across the UK is suspended whilst the country goes in a national lockdown.


Although the world sees many people suffering from Covid-19; infection rates across the UK have been dropping and Scouting can resume with a maximum of 15 children per section and up to 5 leaders.


Although 8th Colchester decides to postpone returning until after the October half term


Due to a change in personal circumstances, Sarah Panton steps down from her roles of AGSL and Red Deer Beaver Leader and moves out of the area.


Although Scouting has been allowed to resume, national statistics start to rise again. So, we decide to postpone returning to Scouting until the New Year


With the infection rate of Covid-19 continuing to rise and new variants being discovered; a new national lockdown is imposed. This means that all face-to-face scouting is suspended for a second time.


After 61 years a move in our meeting hall means that we are returning to where we started – back at St Anne’s Church on Compton Road.


With Covid cases starting to decline and our risk assessments approved, all our section meetings resume in our new hall




With our Chair and Treasurer both stepping down before our AGM we needed to appoint replacements. It is with immense pleasure that were able to announce at our AGM that the former Secretary (Sharon Jacobs) has stepped up to the role of Chair and a parent stepped forward at our AGM to be Treasurer.


This leaves the role of Secretary open


With the passing of our Patron, Queen Elizabeth II, on 8th September 2022; we reflect on the years on service she provided and how we promised to do our duty to her. The reference to HM The Queen in our Promise represented continuity, service to our nation and a commitment to helping others.Read More